Grindstone News - September 2, 1992

Grindstone Island — On and on -- and Frank Slate, a graduate of BOCES, works on the motors at Northern Marine in Spicer Bay. In another column we'll name some of the other young Grindstone Islanders who bring their gifts to our North Country villages.

But this weekend was too full of special events to leave space for writing about anything else.

Deborah Anne Robinson was married to Thomas Harry Slate on Saturday, Aug. 29 at noon at the Clayton United Methodist Church, with the river waves higher than a great many summers

Grindstone Islanders had ever seen them. Debbie and Tom said, early in the summer, "We thought about having it in the Grindstone Island Methodist Church, but then we thought the weather might not be so good and it would be better to have the wedding in Clayton." At least Tom has lived his whole life on the island, and obviously is well acquainted with what "weather permitting" means! Most islanders managed to get across, though at least two boats turned back, and all weekend, at every gathering, the wind almost always "picking up" outside, tale after tale of boats on a wild river gave animation to the conversation, and a special warmth and gratefulness to the festivities.  At 12 o'clock. Josh Lashomb, ring bearer, stood very straight, flanked by Keely Willis and Brittaini Robinson, the little flower girls who would carry their bouquets to the altar — preparing the way for the bride and bridegroom. All three, with rings, flowers and great seriousness, processed ahead of the junior bridesmaids, Surina Willis, Jada Lashomb, and Rachel Bazinet, who were   followed   by   three bridesmaids, Gina Bazinet, Laura Cupemall, and Melissa Patch. Then the maid of honor. Billy Joe Bows ' came down the aisle. And at the second trumpet fanfare of the Lohengrin wedding march, Debbie Robinson, a lovely bride, walked beside her father to meet her | husband-to-be, Tom Slate, who | waited for her attended by his brother and best man, Jeremy Slate, and ushers, Chris Davis, Gene Bailey, and Donnie Fulmer. Dr.,, John H. Marks performed the ceremony.

The Rev. Joseph DeGroote, J minister at the United Methodist 1 Church in Clayton opened the parsonage to the wedding party so they could dress there, and helped them at the rear of the church with last-minute details. Mr. Marks is especially grateful to him for his gracious welcome to him and all of the participants in the service.

After the ceremony, some drove, many walked to the Knights of Columbus Hall for a joyous reception. Everyone brought a dish for the sumptuous buffet, and Jeremy Slate opened the rejoicing with a toast to Tom and Debbie. The D.J. John Morrow kept things moving at a lively pace through the Dollar Dance, the Electric Slide, the throwing of both garter and bouquet, and the cutting of the cake made by Gloria Schaber, herself a Grindstone Island relative. Until, finally, everyone departed, many to cross back across those waves in a wind that did not diminish, to home on the island. Watching the kindnesses of all of the children toward each other, at least one of the guests remarked that they reflected the gentle friendships that made such an occasion possible.

On Sunday, the wind still blew. The Rev. Burtt Sweet started out for the Grindstone Island Methodist Church from his home near Hammond at 7: 50 a.m., and at 10: 30 he still had not come in at the Thurso dock. But the congregation sang hymns until he arrived at about 10: 45 to preach about the need to keep the "lower lights" burning when the wind is high and the sea is rough. He had his own story of a boat that sank on Saturday, and a rough voyage to, tell of on this special Sunday morning. He was accompanied on his adventure by his wife and several of his relatives. Two of the boys climbed up to the Thurso Quarry before they left.

The children sang "All night all day, angels watchin' over me" with understanding fervor as the wind "picked up" during the church service, and Ed Barlow, the Sunday school teacher showed them, with photographs, how he built his own fishing boat out in California. Boats, as we said last week, are very close to a Grindstone Islander's heart.

Next Sunday, Debbie Donaldson will help the children make their own t-shirts, designing insignias by which each one would like to be known, as the Rev. Sweet's family had done for their own boat flag. Each child who comes next Sunday should bring also a plain t-shirt. Mr. Sweet will again be minister.

And so the weekend went. At 1: 30 everyone was once more back in the island church to celebrate the baptism of Robert Harold Bazinet, son of Caroline and Francis (Bubby) Bazinet. Buck Slate and Susie Marshall were godparents, and the Rev. John Marks performed this ceremony too.

And afterwards everyone gathered in the carriage house for one more wonderful dinner together before evening came, and a blustery Sunday ended. Everyone had had a blessed Saturday and Sunday. So it is.